Original Ideas

Is there really such a thing as an original idea these days? Somehow, I doubt it. Before you read any further, you just have to watch this video:

Okay. So you have an idea, and you think that it is winner. Odds are, that right now, 1000 people have a very similar idea to yours. Of that 1000, maybe 10 will take action. Now don’t be discouraged. Your idea still has merit. There is probably a component of your idea that is truly unique. That will be your differentiator.

What you need to do now, is to perfect your differentiator. Do that in silence. Do it in isolation. Tell everyone around your about what you are doing, but don’t reveal your differentiator until you have it perfected.

Then sell it. Hammer the competition with it. Dominate your sector with it. But don’t stand still. You had better have some more differentiators up your sleeve if you want to stay the market leader.

And don’t be surprised if the world doesn’t “get” your differentiator the first time that they see it. With time, they will.

โ€œDon’t worry about people stealing your ideas. If your ideas are any good, you’ll have to ram them down people’s throats.โ€ — Howard Aiken (American computer engineer and mathematician 1900-1973).